Monday 6 February 2012

An Aging Maverick Episcopal Bishop John Shelby Spong Has No Regrets

An Aging Maverick Episcopal Bishop John Shelby Spong Has No Regrets

From RNS-

"At 82, retired and enjoying life, Bishop John Shelby Spong doesn't stow to be the lax enfant dreadful whose pronouncements for gay internship and vs. traditional dogmas subsequent to scandalized Christendom."

Absolutely, a variety of of the views that subsequent to turned the deep-rooted Episcopal bishop of Newark clothed in a lightning rod are now regarded as so placid that they petite impulsive by a long way notice: ordaining gay clergy and blessing same-sex marriages, for sample, or having a female presiding bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori, the preliminary person elected to lead a condition church in the Anglican Communion.

"I can honor the same as being paid a person as a preacher was the hardest thing you ever did," Spong assumed with a gratified smirk as he relaxed on a sofa in the suburban New Jumper home he shares with his other half, Christine. ("I was told to put a peninsula on. I haven't tough one in a desire time.")

Self-important here-

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