Friday 2 May 2014




This ritual is a compilation of Gardnerian, Fairy, and traditional Wiccan sources, and is intended to be used as an initiation for graduates of my training course in Basic Technologies of Witchcraft. While the ritual is powerful enough as it stands, I strongly recommend that it be reserved for people who have been prepared through training at least equivalent to that which I give, or much of the impact may be lost.
Blessed be!
J. Brad (Talespinner) Hicks
Guided Meditation

(The following will be read to all participants in the form of a guided meditation, prior to the processional. It helps if the first paragraph is read by a male voice and the second paragraph by a female voice. NOTE: All are nude;
the initiate is also blindfolded.)

Hear the words of the Threefold Goddess, who of old was called Artemis, Astarte, Diana, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Isis, Arianrhod, Brigid, Aradia, and many other names:

"Whenever you have need of anything, once in the month, and better it be when the moon is full, you shall assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of Me who is Queen of all the Wise. She who would learn all sorcery yet has not won its deepest secrets, them I will teach her, in truth, all things as yet unknown. And you shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that you be free you shall be naked in your rites. Sing, feast, dance, make music and love in My presence, for Mine is the ecstasy of the spirit and Mine also is joy on earth.
For My law is love unto all beings. Nor do I demand aught of sacrifice, for behold, I am the mother of all things and My love is poured out upon the earth."


The Initiate is left to meditate as the others rise and follow the High Priest/ess into the Circle area and three times around, chanting:

"We all come from the Goddess,
And to her we shall return
Like a drop of rain,
Flowing to the ocean.
" (repeat)

Raising of the Circle

HIGH PRIEST/ESS takes the Sword from the altar and traces a circle around the coveners. When he/she returns to the north, he/she kneels and salutes, saying,
"Hail and well come, frosty Spirits of the North. Lend to us your power and protection this night, that

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