Wednesday 2 January 2008

Study Of Astral Projection

Study Of Astral Projection Image
Having Used Various Techniques Of Meditation, Visualization And Energy Healing These Past Several Years To Help Me Move Toward Victory In My Battle With Mesothelioma

Jim McPherson

I embarked upon the study of Astral Projection.

When I was a child, I used to astrally project quite frequently but somehow - as I grew older - it became a talent I somehow suppressed. While those childhood "projections" were awesome (I had no one with whom I could share those experiences because as I soon learned when discussing my ability to see "colors" around people, ya jes don't talk about such things).

SO HERE I AM NOW - 40 SOME YEARS LATER - AND EMBARKING ON A JOURNEY OF RE-AWAKENING. A different set of rules apply now. More people are open to my "Jedi mind tricks" and I have learned to better fine tune my intuitive and psychic senses. So now my astral journeys begin again.

THE FIRST TIME I ACTUALLY FELT MY BODY'S VIBRATION CHANGING, IT WAS SUCH A REFRESHING FEELING - a feeling akin to those experiences I had as a child. I felt new - and whole - and somehow more expansive.

I was lying in bed and listening to one of Dr. Jones' exercises and suddenly I felt like a gigantic weight had been lifted from my body. MY BODY BEGAN TO TINGLE - OR BUZZ - AND THEN IT ACTUALLY FELT LIKE IT WAS FIRST TRANSLUCENT, THEN TRANSPARENT. I felt like there was a energy "force field" surrounding my body, one which I knew was part of my entire being.

It is actually somewhat challenging to try to describe it in mere words, as the experience was so much more than words. I guess a good way to better describe it would be like the last time I went into surgery for some extensive dental work. I knew they were going to use a general anesthesia, but I also knew I wanted to be conscious for the experience. So I did this energy technique I had learned to "stay awake while under". As the anesthesia was beginning to take effect, I did my "technique" and I FELT MY BODY BEGIN TO "BUZZ" (for lack of a better term).

If you recall any of the Star Trek series - it was a feeling like one must feel when beginning to "dematerialize" while on the transporter pad. And I was actually fully aware of what was taking place during the surgery - however, that time I was totally "in" my physical body.

That was the same feeling I encountered during my astral projection experience. I actually did even hear a type of "buzzing" sound in my ears, similar to what one might experience during that process of transporterde-materialization. Now here's one of the really unique things about that - I have very little hearing in my right ear due to Meniere's Syndrome. What hearing I do have is very muffled, almost like I am hearing things under water.

When I began my "astral projection" experience and MY BODY'S VIBRATION BEGAN TO CHANGE, I COULD HEAR THE BUZZING VERY CLEARLY - as well as Dr. Jones' guided instructions. It was almost as if my hearing was working without any kind of impedence.

So once I finally figured out that I was separating from my physical body, I decided to scan my "astral body" to see if my cancer was present in it. It was really weird because it was a totally different sensation. It was like I could NOT sense the cancer being present in my pulmonary or my pericardial tissue, yet I could not sense that it wasn't there. It was kind of like a totally different sensation altogether, something very unique. It was then that I realized I was still thinking in physical body terms.

So I made the decision to let the experience just "happen." Just that mere acceptance to let it "happen" seemed to make everything so very clear to me.

The next thing that happened was that as I finally felt myself leaving my body, I encountered my twin brother. Dan and I were identical twins - and very, very psychically connected - even after his passing in 1997. I had often felt his presence in my home and studio and sometimes even got vague "messages" from him. But as I left my body and became fully aware of my astral body, I also became fully aware of Danny being there with me - in a fuller and more vibrant presence than I had felt since his passing. I was so very anxious to "speak" with him but all that I noticed was his presence, and a sense of total peace and calm penetrated my entire soul.

Then suddenly I felt myself above this particular spot on the Hawaiian island of Oahu where I used to sit and watch the surf and meditate. At first I wasn't quite sure how to "land" so that I could actually sit down, but then I remembered Steve's instructions and suddenly there I was - sitting on the sand, under the sun, listening to the waves. While there, I began to get a sense of what it felt like to be "cancer-free" and I knew that I now had a reference point that I could take back to my physical body. And THAT was exactly what I needed.

Not being a "religious" person but still having a strong "spiritual" sense, the best term that I can use to describe my astral projection would still be "holy." I have always believed that we are a spark of a spark of a spark of a spark.etc. of what "God Infinite Wisdom", "the Creator" (or whatever term you wish). I felt a sense of getting in touch with a larger "spark" during that astral projection.

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