Thursday 17 January 2008

Who Is The Moon

Who Is The Moon
Now I gave a discussion at the Casa de Luisa Piccarreta on the thought of spiritual and mystical littleness or efficiency in the knowledge of Mystic Judaism, Rebbe Nachman and Luisa Piccarreta. After the discussion our priest Lead Teddy asked me if Our Noble or Luisa was the mystical Moon. I answered that in religious studies symbols can regard many meanings not four-sided figure one and that the Moon was furthermore a symbol of Our Noble. On the contrary contemplation about it once I came to a clearer understanding in my own beware.

The Sun who is the generator of light and heat is a mystical symbol of the Infinite Bony and Cherubic Wish who manifests as the Cherubic Report [the aim finer the Profound]. The shaped noticeable light of the Sun alludes to Our Noble[the Spit finer the Waters/ Honorable of Miriam] and the shaped involuntary heat of the Sun alludes to the Anonymous Tzadik Joseph [the Spit finer the Rakia of the Vent]. The light of the Sun that touches and illuminates the Moon represents Our Noble in Time without end. Luisa is the moon[the Spit finer the Earth/ Chin of the Honorable of Miriam] that receives the divine Bony and Wish sincere Our Noble and St Joseph. The light of the Moon that radiates to the earth is the light of Our Noble and Luisa co-conspirator in divine Wish. The earth represents the Cherubic Son's shaped people that receives the light of the shaped Imma and the humidity of the shaped Abba. He furthermore in some mystical breed recieves the light of Luisa mediated sincere Our Noble and St Joseph. Thus Jesus and Joseph can be symbolised by the Sun and Our Noble and Luisa can be symbolised by the Moon. These are the four Chayot of Fantasy,the Four Cherubim and the four Minds of the Summit who are the four Faces and four Lights of Birth One.

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