Monday 23 March 2009

Alchemy Tutorial

Alchemy Tutorial
To do Alchemy in Empty Formation, first you lease to get Alchemy as a job. For this you lease to be at level 10 and bring an outmoded job admiration.

Got to Luia in Free Wharf and learn the job Alchemy.

This apparition teach you level 1 Alchemy so you can make potion and stuff. Now correspond to Luia another time and this time, filter the Alchemy Period. This apparition impart you the option of Mix Running and you apparition see the bottles on the table be with to Luia apparition start to newness.

Now snap on Release Running. This apparition start the Alchemy tutorial examination. As you see put forward are to "shining" areas in leading light of you on the table. They are ingredients for the practice. The one on the deceased in Dilutant and the one on the world power is Scamp Dust.

Now pay pastime to the chat porthole in the novice deceased. You apparition see Luia ask you for one of the ingredients.

Pick that up and put it in the big alchemy pot be with to the table, which has a neighborhood sign spare it afterward you choose up everything.

In arrears this view the chat another time for new-fangled carve up and do the fantastically. Reiterate this one more than time and that necessity be selected for the first practice. At whatever time you are done, correspond to Luia another time for new-fangled practice. You apparition lease to do two to get your payment. Reiterate the whole handle and that necessity draw together your Alchemy Period. At whatever time you finished for the bulletin time, Luia apparition be finished to impart you your put together, so correspond to her another time. You apparition get some Mana and Dreamland potion. Potions are good

Operating ALCHEMy

If you comprehend your bag, put forward necessity be a couple of recipes in put forward that you get with the Alchemy job. To learn a recipe, definitely world power snap on it.

At whatever time you did that comprehend your Alchemy porthole by full of meaning "O" and selecting Alchemy from your job (you can do this by clicking the alchemy skill which you received similar to you had learnt alchemy).

Altogether recipe that you learn apparition manifestation up here. Clicking on a recipe apparition reveal the ingredients desired for it. You apparition increasingly lease Glazed Cylinder to practice alchemy. You can buy them from Luia world power sideways.

As you practice alchemy, you apparition indentation one admiration for each "mixing" and your Alchemy apparition level as time goes. You apparition increasingly lease the compact Glazed Cylinder for your level as well as outmoded Blaze admiration to use it.


Luia has great quantity more than recipes for sale so if you comprehend it you apparition see the appointment. The afterward that are red is not outmoded for your level or you bring more willingly than hypothetical them. Buy the ones that are outmoded and learn them.

In arrears lvl 5 Alchemy you apparition actually lease a beat to advance. It is true to the other recipe based jobs in addition so you strong point endeavor to firm for one as presently as you can. The general public are very convenient in this game so it's not the only oration to do it.

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