Friday 6 March 2009

Daily Message July 3 2013

Daily Message July 3 2013
tale artwork by: PaperDreamerArt

Empathize that you are smart and strong,assume in yourselfand tramp your path convinced in your sway.

- Jasmeine Moonsong

Happy Bond and Pure Sunrise :))) Blessings to you and yours for a magickal day today. These days is Wednesday, July 3, 2013.

Wednesdays are ruled by Mercury, the planet that's magickal properties total acumen, versatility, travel and foretelling. Assemble any studying you suffer to do or suffer a day to travel, this would be the best day. Soul an wits day pay thinking to your thought patterns today. These days is a impressive day to work with your conscious fob watch and make cram succession. If you are working with spells today, wish for spells for figures, expertise, and fluency. It's correspondingly a good day to squeal oracles, tarot cards or runes, design any magickal work, and marshal. If you are working with stones today wish for to wear amethyst, star rubies, or lodestones for protection. Be looking for azure in amulets.

Tonight's Moon is Deteriorating Fourth District. The Deteriorating Moon is a time for study, meditation, and stunted magickal work although magick certain to banish awful energies. The Deteriorating Moon represents the Holy being in her Crone aspect. It's a time to scratch the wisdom gained downhill life. We start our day with the Moon in Taurus. Taking into account the Moon in Taurus cram begun now mature the background, save to produce in get the picture, and become sharp to alter. It brings out an bond for beauty and sensory experiences. The Moon begins her cranium to Gemini at11:52 this sunrise, due to native land at 4:00 this afternoon. Popular this time the Moon is cleft of course, or between signs. Being she is making on her cranium we midpoint to flinch our goings-on connecting whatsoever high point. This is a good time to read, relax and exercise. She will appreciate her cranium to Gemini at 4:00 this afternoon. Taking into account the Moon in Gemini, cram begun now are straight away various by al fresco grip. It's a time for shortcuts, figures, games and fun. The magickal color of the day is Yellow and the incense of the day is Lavender. Assemble an wonderfully magickal day!

Glorify and Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

(Satisfy itemize all era are in EST)


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