Sunday 8 March 2009

How To Be A Witch

How To Be A Witch Image
To be a witch, it must be in your bloodline - All witches will be able to trace their craft to an ancestor. The question of 'how to be a witch' is entirely something else. To be a witch, you will need to study - to read books, or read online about witchcraft and seek knowledge from those more advanced in the path. Once you have gained enough practical knowledge, and some experience; you will need to initiate yourself onto the path by committing to the title of 'witch', and everything that means.

Being a witch isn't a simple thing, so of course explaining how to be a witch isn't the easiest task. I will say, it comes with a life long commitment to seek spiritual growth through the learning of the self, and so of others. It comes with an obligation to humanity for a witch is a healer, shaman, higher counsel, and connection to the intuitive forces of the goddess.


Many will say that "first, you will need a boline and athame", or "first you will need a wand, and an altar", or "first you will need to find another witch to initiate you". I can tell you without a doubt, all three of those examples have very little with what you actually need to be a witch.

* To be a witch, you must be keen in the mind.
* You must be intelligent enough to seek answers where they do not automatically appear, and to be able to seek the hidden knowledge in all things on Earth, and beyond.
* You must be independant enough to seek experiences, gain knowledge, and transmute the knowledge into wisdom, for the witch is wise among the wisest.
* You must be willing to let go of all that holds you back, and be willing to shed old attitudes and habits.
* You must be willing to seek out the truth of who you are, why you are here, and learn of your spiritual purpose.

So you see, to be a witch isn't all that the movies, and TV shows make it out to be. To truly be a witch is a thing of intense spiritual dedication, and is not something as easily discarded as a hobby. Many will seek out the way of the witch, and seek instruction on how to be a witch, but for those who continue to seek they will find that being a witch is something very wild, whose instruction is mainly given in the application of knowledge and in the exercizing of skills.


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