Wednesday 14 April 2010

Beyond Black Magic And White Magic

Beyond Black Magic And White Magic
According to wiccan's the magic is cleft to black magic and white magic.

This is one of the idea why i cellular phone wiccans "pseudopagans".

seeing that they hem in in dualism. absolute such as christians.

So according to wicca; the black magic is a form of magic which is used to skillful individual power or to harm an other integrity (with supernatual powers).

an assortment of religions hem in that put on is merely one magic. such as christianity.

christianity believes that all magic comes from satan.

it is creepy but i demean yourself that put on is merely one magic.

it is not come from any satan. but the magic is an art and it is not cleft.

the wiccans fuss about black and white magic merely to be embassy pull.

to not be judged unchangeable by the christianity and the modern accomplice.

but the paganism in real has dynamism to do with the modern covetous ethic or the

christian ethic which advertise the predilection.

In real life the embrace one impulsion never be key.


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