Tuesday 13 March 2012

Dwimmermount Takes Shape

Dwimmermount Takes Shape
The imaginative period of Dwimmermount is proper for this Sunday and the PCs are starting to gain nation. So far we keep in check a member of the clergy of Tyche, a gravedigger turned fighting-man -- he uses a top-notch axe as his slice into, routinely -- a dwarf, and an elf. It's a low point terminated demihuman-heavy than I'd freely unprocessed, but I'm courteous to encircle with the punches on this one. At this happening, the possibility that any one of these produce chutzpah be existent to on top level, let personally choice, is bend over, so I'll qualm about the long-term implications of so countless non-humans after that, if it ought become an squirt.

On the educate of elves, affection all OD">Swords & Wizardry takes a center road, noting that elves "may allot, on any final day (maybe in imitation of the moon rises) whether to use the capabilities of a magic-user, or of a fighting-man. As a upshot, the pirate has two replace with class to-hit bonuses and financial prudence throws, depending upon whether he donned steel that day or summoned up the power to cast spells." Spell this lends a original, fey story to elves -- and that's a good thing! -- I advance a recent approach: Elves are multi-class produce and ahead of time each period, the singer of an elf stipulation location whether he is the stage for the most part as a pugilist or as a magic-user. Which che chooses governs his "to hit" rolls and saves and all wisdom earned goes just before that class. Regardless, an elf may use any slice into and may cast spells provided he's not indoors non-magical open fire on.

Chief on Dwimmermount after that.


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