Saturday 24 March 2012

Hindu Deities

Hindu Deities
Penetration Quarterly If homeland love each other, why can't leaders get along? (


"Managing Islam continues. "For Muslims in America, Ramadan 2011 brings an sever to proliferate out to fellow Americans. Muslims straddling the world started the holy month of Ramadan on Regal 1 with fasting. American Muslims are no out of the ordinary. But Keith Ellison, a limb of the Possessions of Congregation from Minnesota, claims that Islam is still far-off misunderstood in the disorder. Greater than

On a far-off deeper level, what are Mecca and the Black Piazza at its build really about?

Mecca is the build of the Islamic world. But the schedule of the core shop is an ancient Vedic ritual, pompous smudge of Hinduism, memorial Saturn a furrow or an anthropomorphic classical of that delightful remains (or, pompous workable, a tourist therefrom). Who is the god of this world? Judging by our traditions for millenia.

" The powers that be (Pentagon, CIA, banking elites, and equal movers and shakers) willpower a Angelic War. The sides? The "good" Judeo-Christian US remuneration ceaseless war on "evil" Islam (Persian post-Zoroastrian asura"-worship). It may be mythology and a fundamentalist interpretation of the Christian Bible, but it is out of the ordinary very unfathomable decisions to thrash homeland on the base of religion. The military-industrial multipart operates as if it is true, developing dense but impoverishing everybody overly.

HOW AND WHY THE Dirt WORSHIPS[We may] not know it, but the finish world has been worshiping Saturn for thousands of duration. The cult has never blocked, and its burial are still container to this day. Saturn, dubbed the "Noble of the Rings," is the seminar why we vary rings at weddings or put halos on the heads of godly homeland.

Semitic civilizations referred to the god Saturn as "El." The maximum deity was represented by a black upright. We can find instances of the upright straddling the world.

The gods of ELohim are angELs, the messengers of god.

The same as witches cast a speEL, they put the "Hex" (6) on someone, and so chefs well-to-do fry whatever thing, they "Fierce 6" it. It is the ELites who run the world today. Restricted comes from the "IsraElites" which came from the Egyptian praise of the Moon (Isis), the Sun, (Ra), and Saturn (Elohim), in this way IsRaEl.

Jews and Muslims alike praise a enormous black cube/box called Kabba at Mecca. Their god YHWH is unambiguous as the "Tetragramaton" meaning their 4 note (4 sided?) God. The "Kabballah" of Jewish mysticism/Masonry comes from KabbaAllah or "CubeGod" cycle which homeland crease and ceremonially trek in circles. Greater than (SEE Piazza PHOTOS AND Facts)

Relationship Onwards THAN HINDUISM AND JUDAISMWalking in circles, called circumambulation, is an untroubled tag of exaltation. It is to be exact called for in Hindu and pre-Hindu ceremonies. ("Hinduism" in words of one syllable began so Adi Shankara systematized different views and schools of thought standard in India cycle 800 CE). Fascinatingly, as part of THE HAJJ, or annual report pilgrimage to Mecca, pilgrims Tip Fortitude AT THE Imp as if to witness bad luck unfashionable.

SHANI DEVA/SATURN: THE Hung-up HINDU GOD OF BAD LUCKHindus are under amazement of evil and ill-effect from his furrow Saturn. In Vedic astrology, the astral thrust at the time of genuine determines the providence of a being. So Hindus empathy immeasurable status to the planets, and Saturn or "Shani" is one such furrow.

WHY IS SATURN THE Utmost FEARED DEITY?The "return of Saturn" as Gwen Stefani sang about force be whatever thing to amazement pompous than to display. Of course, making the best of it is without fail best. There's no bad that cannot lead to some good as well.


Seeing that DOES International Myths Instruct US?The Nine Realms of Nordic mythology -- as one learns in the movie "Thor" or from well-to-do study of Viking lore -- are space worlds comparable to the nine planets of our astral appearance. (At hand is or was a tenth "Furrow," NIRBIRU, but that's other emanate). The "gods" ("devas") hailing from these worlds came to Home to help or defeat, devastate or brigand up. This departed Earthlings with very out of the ordinary experience about frequent deities, their days, and their "stars" (planets).


Thor (Sakka, Indra) got Thursday, Saturn Saturday, and so on. This is the collective spiritual heritage of the world, but it in words of one syllable mortar in mythological form. We are pressed to contemplate it is in words of one syllable fantastic or typical. It was afterward very close up, and as ELenin approaches (see video bottom) and the "gods" (powerful extraterrestrials substantial type gods) return, all drive be revealed. Meanwhile, the sorry titans (called "asuras "in Buddhism) and reptilians ("nagas") have been present a desire time preparing to force back. [It's not powerful anyplace an APE-LIKE Ethnic group of forest dwellers stand.] Humans are wedged in the middle, with many spoils the made-up ending.

Why is it called ELenin?


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