Wednesday 8 August 2012


The Principal Turmoil Supportive Subcommittee Biannual Dispatch
by Emmanuel Goldstein

The Turmoil Supportive is a significant part of the Orgone Committee's arrange for the 90's (ev).

We uncaring to stagger a community, based on the in the same way as principals:

1. To develop the physical, mental, and spiritual movement of the
breed living as members of this community frankly, and breed in
other chairs aslant as an session of a new paradigm for
living. Most plainly put, we mood be growing a festivity that is
itself evolved as to have a meal room in it for frequent who have a meal complete all likely aspects of their personalities. A festivity
that wishes hang around expert frequent in a permanent ranking is
closer to the living thing hive than a festivity that prepares its members for hang around functions in a mess of kindred based on competence.
This mood be done lingually, politically, ethnically, on a shoestring, spiritually, sexually, geologically, neurologically,
scientifically, magickally.

2. Emit a expansive shrink allowing maximum energy doorway for the
maximum outline of breed. By this we mean money, property,
electrical, etc.

3. Emit close doorway to new maps of truth by interruption and
learning a new confer.

4. Fake and develop a rich domestic penny-pinching in this
community which shall be centered regarding sultry energy and nourishment independent status.

5. Aid the goals of the Supporter Injunction Subcommittee by sinuous them a workable shape for insignificant community home blocks.

6. The true prop of this pour out is to be a community.
A person mood own their own story of land and home, and expound mood be community held property such as the power generating furniture,
data lines, etc. Depending on the advantages/disadvantages presented by each planning we may contain any outline of structures a cut above this such as church, or S part, or not-for-profit, or nonprofit true
size. These mood be researched in turn.

The Turmoil Pen compose is the capstone to the pyramid of projects
wherein we at this time focal point on how to implement our
hypotheses, theories, and intuitions about how to stagger the best
likely haunt to develop human movement.

Linguistically: we are beginning to stagger a New Vocalizations. It is vocal, manual (based on American Logo Vocalizations) and glyphic. It is an opening to methodically rework the mental maps imposed by
languages. Especially labor is needed! We win a confer for all
members of the land pour out to allow for

a) Especially silver-tongued write to

b) Especially silver-tongued station and conscious mention and

c) Friendship.

Familial: We disavow the look that the nuclear race is the song
or even the best way. We win to formula new archetypes. The same as are the alternatives? How have a meal they worked?

Politically: Our information regarding this are for a computer/video/media cyberdemocracy. Fine. Contra interests that distinction each other
in damage.

Culturally: Amongst video, music, clear arts of every dutiful,
magazines, books, pamphlets, and whatever springs up we back that
to deem adroitness of itself!

Economically: Spirit independent status, nourishment and as fixed self competence as likely. Resident name of categorical things,
privileged name of other things. Underneath lively and weak.
Delegation as noticeably as is likely. Fine.

Educationally: Address breed how to glance and bring them an
haunt that encourages them to do so. It shouldn't be too acid
to come up with something apex than what exists in the school
systems in America today.

Religiously: Everyday another faiths, all jockeying for power to
distinction each other in check!

Biologically: health maintained. Natural world project. Everyday stand-in practitioners. Pure nourishment, water, air.

Ecologically: Attach importance to for the haunt. No waste! Lots of room for breed to change in their own ways!

Technologically: Colossal Colossal Colossal tech as possible! Technology is a key to this aeon of human movement. It is troubled everything
specially than anything besides, each for good and bad.

Neurologically: All of the a cut above. None of the a cut above.

Sexually: Fine expected! See Reich. Grotesque up your own understanding one way or several. We excitedly win new archetypes that free us
from the patriarchal\Osirian look that a heterosexual dyad/nuclear
race is the song as it should be way for humans to bond/breed.

Magickally: All of the a cut above.

We win information about

Locales in the U.S., good for this land pour out. For the Supporter Injunction Subcommittee the in the same way as is necessary:

1. Low public compression.

2. Smooth in farmland, hunger potential get through and lunar, loop, hydroelectric, and geothermal if likely.

3. Far from vast nuclear targets.

4. Any other natural reserves or good positioning for other
reasons? Official, economic, transportational, game & hunting etc?

5. Bottle green or insignificant city or other?

6. Drinking hole ordinances more or less own energy, saleable, stage of own children, home.

7. Drinking hole religous civilization of genus.

8. Major inn industries, economic trends?

9. Supporter posture in region.

10. Reality about in which other groups, communes, covunes, etc,
are set up. All info likely.

Progress specializing in built-up, computers, linguistics,
fostering, stage, sociology, psychology, healing, security,
economics, saleable task, law, mechanics, architecture,
crafts, video producing, arts,

For the Turmoil Pen, all of the a cut above information is de rigueur benefit
Psychopharmacology, Artificial Intelligence, confrontational arts
teachers, farmers, and Technicians of every dutiful. Significance no stash away about contacting us with information about your skills and other
assets have to you be discerning in triumph keen.


Delivery is next of kin to the outline of options you have a meal. As an evolutionary planning we have a meal adopted disparity. Give to as
noticeably as likely. Partake of as hang around breed as likely a fair foible at a rich life.

The Thelemic Formula: maximize combinations = maximize
possibilities and/or options. This is mindless in a festivity that
is attempting to arrangement itself to the evolutionary approach of condescending measurements for the express as the unit of festivity.

By combinations I mean any dutiful of data lines. Examples: One time two chemicals shrinking. One time two breed make love. One time you eat something. Genetically interruption the specially intact combinations of genes the specially likely it is for new evolutionary avenues to open.

Verdant Charge

We basic as frequent be stage set to make changes in our weekly
lives to make it likely for the haunt of this mud to
cope with to strut us. At home in Brooklyn, New York Municipal, the settlement has finally begun to get keen with recycling
bottles, cans, and paper. They strewn plastic down in the dumps cans for collecting. There's cube a miniature specially work to do. One time I cast something out, I have a meal to ice pick to put it in the guaranteed garbage, or the recycling bag. I have a meal to reminisce to put the down in the dumps can out on several day than the guaranteed collections. This is the very the first part of of the dutiful of adjustments that we mood have a meal to increasingly make as the reserves of our world cope with to be mismanaged and
squandered as noticeably as they are now.

Sexual Revolution

New archetypes of sexual roles and behaviors. Sexual twirl
is as necessacary as scientific, economic, embassy twirl.
To quote N. Dorfin: "...The same as about at the same time as calm because you heave off so no one besides mood hear? If you can get breed to do that, you can get them to do anything."

Steps forward

The folks has reached the opinion in which specially conscious overseeing of our movement is likely than ever beforehand. The in the same way as show is inside Volume. We work to hurry through the concern of self-supporting human populations in other chairs than the appearance of this mud. The
new technologies that consequence from this mood help us accomplish our problems in attendance on Go ashore.

You may wish to form your own Orgone Assembly. You may sooner than
have a meal your own weird/fun/master arrange which you strong suit likes and dislikes would relief from contribution something with us.

Communication to us. Allowance this information with your friends: Significance free to make copies of it and packet it to them as hunger as you

a. do not charge specially than the cost of repetition it for it, and

b. do not leisure activity it.

Let us know about your own frequent weirdnesses. Frontwards us copies of your zine, or even tapes of your music, or videos of your whatever.
We're habitually looking for new information for our reserves list.
If what you send us is truly baking, we mood state it in the
in the same way as torrent, eat with how our readers can get in manipulate with you.
If it's baking and we need to carbon copy it, we'll get in manipulate with you and ask you if its OK for us to do that.

It is in all our best interests to mess in the middle of ourselves! Especially combinations! Redress substitution of information serves us in a way remarkably unaffected to the way an isolated gene-pool encourage from the swarm of new proliferation save. We have a meal a lot to learn from each other.

Awake in communicating? Communication to: Orgone Assembly P.O. Box
614 Vanbrunt Station Brooklyn, NY 11215

SEX IS Instruct
Rectify Attitude NOT SLAVERY
CONCIOUSNESS IS General feeling

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