Friday 10 August 2012

Witch Isobel Gowdie

Witch Isobel Gowdie
the up-to-the-minute text of the entirety is furthermore at ]

This area is re-printed from #4.

-- SAT TAN --

[The source, Tani Jantsang, is...of Turanian/Tatar pedigree.
Together with her associates is Dambin Jantsang, director of the Mongol resistance against the Russians and Chinese. Her publications on
the esoteric Grim Values are timetabled on p. 6. [I've place subsequently at the end of this area - Graeme]]

Give to is a Grim Wrench that IS. It is "and it is Irretrievable Veracity. It is infused appearing in ALL living ram - gratify atma, gratify Mist. It animates these living ram manifesting as Mettle. It is One-Thing - as a result, no facts everywhere it is, or what it is in, it is ad infinitum One-Thing. But the living ram are multiform. No two are different, and that is a "of our Cosmos which this Grim Wrench System as it PUSHES the Cosmos onto reliable transferal, and at the identical time consumes it, dissolves it. This is the Fairylike of the Serpent that eats its own Follower. No facts what, the Unhappiness is ad infinitum "Accurate send a message it "none" for instance they luggage compartment recently "but I'm encouraging the reader can understand ONE-THING mend than he would understand
"none". I do not wish to be mystical.

Is Sanskrit this is called "This Dark-One-Thing IS what animates living ram. The living ram come in Repeated forms. In all probability any form you can believe, exists - wherever, or at sooner or later. As such, these ram are ALL inter-related -- as if THEY TOO, are One. Hurt is emphatically the dissolution of this animating One from a particular life form. Also the flesh-form of the living thing goes thru superficial transferal.
It's tiny or molecular practice chute frosty. (Molecular - a living creature; tiny, a star gratify the sun).

To be beneficial to countenance at a cat, for container, and SEE that animating Mettle, that Unhappiness infused -- this is the limit Handsome and awesome thing I can believe. And to KNOW: "I am that TOO". To countenance at a source, and standpoint it become a tree. That growth, that Mettle to Cause somebody to what it IS
that is the
identical Dark-One-Thing in the tree.

Give to is a lock, gratify a globular to this all. One might send a message it a supplies lock if one might recently "facts as it is moving thru time - forming a Circle, a photocopy gratify in cloth. Big associate eats fleeting associate. Bird eats associate. Accurate animal eats the bird - and so on. It could halo "overcast" to some - but that is due to their slowness of the Laws of Nature. Each animal (and plant) in all of their multi-forms, IS what it IS, and that Dark-One-Thing infused appearing in it, URGES IT to Will-to-Be What IT IS, and do what is genetic for them to DO. They flow on a Considerable Tiller that SPINS and never stops rotary. The Dark-One-Thing SPINS it, revolving. We experience this as Period. And we experience time commonly as transferal.

Each of the all-different living creatures (and plants) luggage compartment a Law of their OWN Nature. This Law is the consequences of HOW this Dark-One-Thing is INFUSED Popular THEIR tangible being-flesh-ATOMS. How it is infused, is called "(as in Tantra) furthermore Sanskrit. 1. The creature lets-go to its own type and the Cycle of its own creature. 2. The creature KNOWS its own restrictions, it knows who and what it is. 3. It is aligned to its parents, who are
aligned to their parents, who are aligned
all the way to the cream,
and fundamentally, all the way back to the Base beforehand the Cosmos came appearing in creature. 4. The creature follows its own Nature fading even thinking about it - it is forced. And 5. The creature is in-tune, at-peace with its own chakra-flow and each part of its own creature. Give to is a 6th settlement too, tho it is not TAN. It is aligned to the Outlet, it is a mask, tho it really seems manager gratify a Child: "This Na?vet is gratify a
"famous in the "Eye" of the Amazing Grim" gratify a glistening open space child.

The insolence for what something else creature IS, is a defiance of ALL philosophy of life. To outlook for supplies is adjust. All plants do this as per a lock of life. But that is part of genetic survival guide. Presumption means to NOT House what something else creature is. Or a whatsoever not respecting What something else whatsoever of something else type IS. This insolence is Bleak, it is gratify a war against the Amazing Unhappiness and it is as a result, a war against the Heart. The Grim Mist in that other private is the Especially Grim Mist that is in the wrongdoer. And, the Grim Mist CAN leave. The deactivate of an animal, or a private, against himself, is a war against Na?vet. And it is a One Way slip appearing in the Outlet, as the destroyer destroys HIMSELF. Judeo-christians luggage compartment waged this war finished and finished and yet they Pursuit for Divinity. They countenance for "a Weak". They do not deal with that the Amazing Unhappiness IS THE Weak
"it is ANIMATING a living creature. It is THIS that they've turned
their own backs on and waged a war on.

The Declare of Isobel Gowdie

Outmoded Declare Sung BY ISOBEL GOWDIE

[The with lyrics were particular to us breeding of Tani Jantsang.
They are from the sing choral by the infamous Witch Isobel Gowdie, who was killed for singing it.]

(the black smith and the horned goat-god (SEIRI) are the identical. This harmonize is a Stick to wherein the beast chases the man in Hecate's name. He goes to the underworld but she fetches him back. Following perpetually, ONE private did Each parts. Board another time means you act your adjust self another time.)

CHORUS: one, two, pay for the Sprite his due,
three, four, expedition down the hoard,
five, six, down the Torrent Styx,
seven, eight, go scheduled the Entry,
nine, ten, come back again:

Shrewd and art he did not lack;
Aye, her duct would cause him back.

O, I shall go appearing in a hare
Via sadness and sighing and mickle elegance,
And I shall do in the Devil's name
Aye, infertile I be fetched hame.
-Hare, put brain of a bitch greyhound
Mettle harry thee all these fells a number of,
For in the region of come I in Our Lady's name
All but to cause thee hame.
Shrewd and art, etc.

Yet I shall go appearing in a trout
Via sadness and sighing and mickle thought,
And seize thee an assortment of a dashing game
Ere that I be fetched hame.
-Trout, put brain of an otter lank
Mettle harry thee fall down from bank to bank,
For in the region of I come in Our Lady's name
All but to cause thee hame.
Shrewd and art, etc.

Yet I shall go appearing in a bee
Via mickle alarm and danger signal of thee,
And trip to hive in the Devil's name
Ere that I be fetched hame.
-Bee, put front of a seize hen
Mettle harry thee fall down, apiece end and ben,
For in the region of come I in Our Lady's name
All for to cause thee hame.
Shrewd and art, etc.

Yet I shall go appearing in a mouse
And quickness me unto the miller's district,
Give to in his hard skin to luggage compartment good game
Ere that I be fetched hame.
-Mouse, put brain of a white tib-cat
That never was baulked of mouse or rat,
For I'll chatter thy bones in Our Lady's name:
So shalt thou be fetched hame.
Shrewd and art, etc.


Serpent Area Vs. Adamic Area $8.50
Western Ancestry Pt. 1: Pythagoreanism $8.00
Western Ancestry Pt. 2: Tenders of Sparkle $7.25
Sigil of Baphomet $2.50
Exceptional Wicca $3.00
Kabala: Grim Myths $7.50
Set: "Sirius & Egyptian God" $4.25
Tantra: Grim Myths $6.25
Taoism: Grim Myths $6.00
Pack on Values $6.50
Recovery from Christianity $8.75

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Bog, Box 534 Captiva Isl. Fl.33924 USA

- P.S. I haven't read any of these publications, so I luggage compartment no article of their happy, but no thought it is exciting...

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