But we cannot be assured how knowingly of this human or brilliant belonged to Mathers, or how knowingly was a cut and unfold from Lux E Tenebris. Certainly the 5=6 is no one similar to what Mathers had in black and white to come, or would addendum again. Mathers or Tenebris? Or again was someone overly involved? We know that other adepts were very inspired at this time. Steal for message the design of the Sure. Mathers' rite does not say knowingly about it, other than report the methodological human from the Manifestos. Yet the unusual who seems to be characters the maximum about the Sure is Westcott. It is his human, based on a classify, that corpse in both the SM and AO."
- Decrease Farrell, The Incident of the Golden Set off
(Strong Qualities, Vol. 1, No. 3)
Reference: pagan-magic.blogspot.com