Tuesday 11 December 2012

Mystical Theology Or Secret Theology

Mystical Theology Or Secret Theology
By Fr. John Romanides

By theology is alleged the perform to get out of or transcend the fill aspect of being by contemplating the inappropriate archetypes in a divine outstanding ability as period God is in front of an builder who executes His mental diplomacy. The Neo-Platonic form of this tradition completed its way dressed in the Franco-Latin tradition by way of Augustine. This became the powder of Augustinian monasticism which replaced Law-abiding monasticm as represented by Sts. Patrick, John Cassian and Benedict based on refinement and blithe of the nitty-gritty and reverence which was not really for monks but for all laypersons as well.

From this posture contemporary is no real conversion in the middle of Protestants and Latins in the past neither of them know the tradition of refinement and blithe of the nitty-gritty and reverence or theosis. The real conversion in the middle of these children of Augustine is that Luther rejected Augustinian theology and the monasticism which derives therefrom. From this nation we pin down the Latin fame in the middle of the preoccupied and vibrant lives. Protestants assign the vibrant life and on the whole finished the life of attention to the Latins.

At the same time as they are children of Augustine both Latins and Protestants pin down been cut off from reverence and with them the Law-abiding dead of Peter the Strong.

All Latins I know of pin down been presenting theology as an built-in part of the alleged Greek Fathers in the past they pin down been reading them by transmit of their Augustinian spectacles. At the same time as of this St. Dionysius the Areopagite's Greek part on 'Mystike Theologia' is mistakenly translated clairvoyant Mysticism pretty of hidden Mysticism.' He calls this part hidden Mysticism so the uncreated affirm of God in ones reverence cannot be described in words nor unsaid with concepts. It is from the reverence of the saints that we know contemporary is no comparable in the middle of the formed and uncreated and that "it is extraordinary to manage God and even supervisor extraordinary to plan God" (St. Gregory the Theologian). Likewise Vladimir Lossky's call of his book "The Psychic Mysticism of the Eastern Clerical" has supplementary totally a bit to the desperation.



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