Monday 5 August 2013


The result of this post is to inform you of some Southeast Asian myths. Being my brother and I were children, our mother would check us curious stories about curious kinds of ghosts in Laos and Thailand. The krasue () is right one of them. Feared by innumerable in Asia, the Krasue to sum it up in incomplete is honestly an picturesque female flying, entrail-eating, spiritual vanguard. By day, it looks human, but at night it separates its vanguard from its hulk and hunts for blood, flesh, fecal problem, placentas, and toddler fetuses.

All the information I supply gathered on this some phantom states that it originated from Cambodia. Definite league obtain that the krasue came from a productive female who was possessed by an evil spirit which in turn turned her appearing in this phantom. My mother believes that it is a demon that has possessed a female what she did not trail the secret language of her craft. Being I say this, I mean it refers to black magic. In Lao black magic, offer are mandatory secret language you supply to trail. If you break them, jaunt appearing in a krasue is badly one of the have a row.

Ground league dress their doorways and windows with multifaceted vines to protect themselves from this phantom. The krasue is anxious of the multifaceted vines what she doesn't equally triumph her innards paranoid in them. For a krasue to bend a life appearing in one, the krasue poverty manipulative you appearing in ingesting her saliva or flesh. The krasue would all in all either manipulative you appearing in utilization a glass that has her saliva on it or manipulative you appearing in using up chuck that has her flesh diverse appearing in it. In my outcome of view, I grew up believing in these phantom stories so I'm not departure to say it's not real.

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