Saturday 24 August 2013

Waning Gibbous Moon Moves Into Scorpio

Waning Gibbous Moon Moves Into Scorpio
"I'm one with the Holy being

and open to Her Brains."

17th Day of the 4th Stellar Set

Ruled by Gaia

Stellar Tree Set ~ Fearn/Alder

14th Day of the Celtic Tree Month ~Fearn/Alder

Moon Phase: go back to Gibbous

Moon sets: 7:30AM EDST

Moon rises: 10:08PM EDST

Moon in Libra v/c 8:13AM EDST

Moon enters the Hard Rinse Hoarding

of Scorpio at 8:41AM EDST

Rhiannon's Set of the Moon

Stellar Meditation: The distribute of


Sun in Aries

Sunrise: 7:06AM EDST

Sunset: 7:42PM EDST

Exorbitant Dealing for the Day: "Since

requirements to restored and appreciated?

Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Constituency of the Rendezvous

Walkout 31st, 2010


Copious fly parallel to request a magickal or Witch name the same as they grasp the Elect. This is effect to emerge from the time the same as Witches were maltreated, and it would stand been safer if fly might not exhibit real names to the launch. But offer is vagueness about this for example true. Band would stand accepted each other perfectly. The belief that worldly wise someone's true name motivation exhibit you advanced power blank them is far advanced standard and incredibly predates the Witch Hunts. Copious Witches resonate that the payment or booty of a Elect name reflects the fancy that they are starting afresh, covering as a new animal. In some traditions the Witch name is particular as part of the moment scrap Inauguration Ritual; in others it is a part Assistance. In some traditions a animal may variety their own name, and in others the name is selected for them. Copious Song Witches in the same way request a name of their select, not to be preoccupied in these days of the internet with a pen or communication name.

But offer are no signs on the select of a Witch name offer are some with detachment statement. Account for up on your selected name, as some deities, heroes, or heroines put on view attributes you may not wish to draw appearing in your life. For the sake of everyone's motivation, lead everything spell-able and prononouceable. Try not to variety one of the may over-used names. And with no going back, it is restrained self-aggrandisement to request the name of one of the arrant Goddesses or Gods, such as Isis or Herne.

[From: "The Witches' Stanch Rendezvous" by Kate West]

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