By: Lucie
See you later. I'm the academic that Khaled mentioned. word... I've read the method on definitions and I can see the hitch you fix gotten into: prescriptive definition vs. characteristic definition. Let me explain: I am at this instant working in the Dept of Holier-than-thou Studies of the Scholarly of Ottawa as a graduate apprentice studying original dedicated aerobics in Canada, vastly women centered or
women inflexible. This, by definition, includes Wicca/Witchcraft/Neo-Witchcraft/
Neo-Paganism/Women's Spirituality/Women's Residential (Neo) Shamanism...etc...
I'm not the innocently one here set of buildings in this study (we fix an actual "Centre for Research in Women and Holiness"). We too fix a believe of women (and one man) researching give your word aspects of the especially mentioned dedicated phenomena. We fix had to come to some working definitions so that we can state to each other and to other religionists.
Independently, I fix too had to come up with some forlorn definition of Wicca/
Witchcraft that I can use as a ambassador of alleged phenomena (yes, I am using the plural form) what I am asked to present/explain/ give details alleged phenomena to forums such as the Canadian Committee of Churches or the Canadian Forum for Pastoral Education (Item). It is as a cunning of this call, that I fix grown-up a forlorn general characteristic definition that can be recycled to perceive Wicca/Witchcraft from other dedicated phenomena.
Seeing that is a forlorn general characteristic definition you ask? Ok. Down = minimum believe of type All-inclusive = includes to some extent than excludes Delegate =
what is actually here to some extent than what requisite be here (prescriptive) Marking out =
what can be recycled to define, i.e. to procure a line in the region of, to know appropriate to what is consumed undefined/ unmemorable
I'm using a arrangement intersection in Anthropology: componential understanding, ie. the authorization of cautious diaphanous expression (components) that can be seen as taking place or not. A set of these which in basic terms defines something is seen as its characteristic prototype. A characteristic prototype is atypical in that it can innocently be recycled to define the incident it describes and no other. Ok? Rational so you know what kind of idiom I'm using.
Yes, I hang on myself 'Wiccan'. No, I am not a member/initiate/follower of any clear-cut establishment. I'm too outlying of an anarchist at bottom for that, and anyways, how can I pledge conspiracy if my innocently protect in art as an anthropologist is the knowledge I fix gained by experience? Assembly of defeats the advantage, doesn't it?
Ok. So now goes....Next of kin to any other expect feature, Wicca/Witchcraft (I won't disband them yet) can be in basic terms inflexible as consisting of these five important components:
1) expect feature is place based
2) divinity is conceived as spontaneous
3) divinity is seized as gendered and as in basic terms female
4) the locus of conclusion is the secede
5) the locus of action is the secede in the tie together
Seeing that does this mean? Call for somebody, this is to detect this expect group appropriate to any other type of expect group. It does NOT incorporate variations, innocently COMMONALITIES.
1) place based: as far as I can tell, all forms of Wicca/Witchcraft (WW for short?)
are based on humans like part of and in place to some extent than notwithstanding from. As well as, seasonality and elements (air, earth, water, fire) are head to the at all fear and phone call with place.
2) divinity is inherent: divinity has manifested in all that is, all that is, is an aspect of divinity, we are all manifestations of divinity.....
3) divinity gendered and female: divinity in one of its upper limit apprehendable forms knows itself in the specificity of sexual category and that sexual category is at smallest amount of female "The Idol". All groups, whether they be aware of the God or not, know divinity in its female form.
4) locus of decision: righteousness is a for one person, secede thing and steadfastness for choices is too a for one person, secede thing. No one can (prolifically) toll a set righteousness on any one very. Deportation seems to be the innocently -effective- money of well cohersion recycled by adherents to this expect. Its the other adjoining of "Do what thou slump, An it harm none" and the Law of Kismet. If a groove acts unpleasant to the community require, this groove specter be shunned, disliked, strongly criticized, and may as a cunning, start off the community. No topic the larking about which the community desires to rubbish to realize, the secede specter not be 'punished' or told that they may not reckon to appear in in their future way. Again, even community norms (and community may be read as establishment) cannot be imposed or dictated. Identical in pledge boundary traditions, oaths are taken cheerfully and as cheerfully adhered to or failure.
5) locus of action: meager amount is differed to the habitually at what time, nor is the departed in detail held responsible for what occurs in the tie together. This is it, this is all here is for someone, make the upper limit of it. Again, no predestination, no fatalism, no fantasy or 'hell',
this is not a prelude.
Secondly, no assemble, no group, no church, no polity has any self-important mean and in reality far less immediacy than the secede as the follower and the definer of what is clutch. Esteem is lived within the secede, as an secede.
Ok. Call for somebody, this describes Abandoned what all forms of WW share a house, NOT what differentiates them from each other or what is inflexible within a tradition as what constitutes the whole of THEIR tradition. It is a forlorn, general, characteristic definition..... (part 2 follows)
Whew....So what use is this type of definition? It allows me to evaluate WW to other faiths such as Christianity, Shinto, Islam, etc. It allows me to state about beliefs and practices flaw accomplishment slowed down in the specificity of traditions. It too allows me to speak of Gardenarians and Dianics in the enormously breeze. They fix self-important in intersection appropriate to other faiths than they fix new-fangled appropriate to each other...
I was asked what inflexible WW appropriate to other Pagans and to place based faiths such as Shinto. It took some philosophy but I embrace I've been skilled to do it: WW is
1) expert on the at all (to some extent than place or divinity)
2) divinity yet takes a at all form (at smallest amount of)
3) WW works according to principles (main major realities which
inform larking about)
4) WW is law driven (here is a able or dressed way...)
5) believers call to infer and to make practical their expect (equitable embrace of
tables or correspondences and our explanations of 'why it workings)
I was too asked what respect I complete surrounded by Pagan, Wicca and Witchcraft. I do make a distinguish.
Pagan: from paganus (latin) for of the control adjoining as opposed to "civitas" of the municipal
Neo-Pagan: post 1960's upsurge of control cum place based spirituality -seen in animosity to Christian/Mainstream church -logical spiritual daughter of the succeeding to the assert and practical experimentation/mystical quest of this enormously era
Witchcraft (upsurge): British incident dating from the 1950's. Wicca is recycled in Gardenarian texts but not recycled as a handle of the expect group or practice. Wiccan NOT recycled.
Wicca/Wiccan: preferred words adopted by repeated North American grown-up Civilization of WW to perceive themselves from British Civilization (Gardenarian, Alexandrian)
Witch/Dianic: words of self definition recycled by repeated North American women to be aware of their mythopoethic/political reclaiming of female centered / female inflexible spirituality. Normally spoken as: Women were burned as witches in the Crucial Ages, well, I'm a witch and you're NOT leave-taking to cook for too long me! May or may not give or take the execution to a clear-cut tradition (Reclaiming, Dianic (Z. Budapest),
etc) but is yet an road sign of female centered / female inflexible experience and self definition.
Neo-Witchcraft: all forms of original Anglo (ie of English idiom, not an ethnic or loyal handle) witchcraft to detect from Elemental, Crucial Eastern, Medieval, or non-European forms
Wicca vs. Witchcraft: as it seems to be recycled by upper limit tribe today. Wicca is a type of religion and witchcraft is a technology (ie spell crafting, craft of the shrewd, place magic....)