Thursday 23 December 2010

Occult Magick And Spells Real Occult Magic

Occult Magick And Spells Real Occult Magic Image
What is Occult Magick and how does it work..? Occult magick is the technique of using the energy or hidden forces to create an outcome that is desired by the Sorcerer, Witch or Wizard. Usually many forms of real magick is practiced with the use of symbols or tools.. Not that they are needed it is just that they help focus the energy into the spell or ritual they desire. Let's take a look at how real magick works in a nutshell and how many are doing it everyday without thinking


First of all real magick is everywhere, how strongly it is influenced upon others or things is up to the human using it. What do i mean by it is everywhere..? I mean that every time energy is used in any way to benefit you then you are wielding -- subconsiously many do this in relationships, jobs, influencing people or with money.


The second factor that many do not see is how to use this energy to harness what we are. Have you heard of the saying we are what we eat, the same goes for magick, we are what we think, if everyday as we grow up believe we are a certain way the body will use this energy to create it as much as possible.. The saying should be more like we are what we think


Okay thirdly understanding what energy is, is probably the biggest factor in magick or the occult, once understood it is a lot easier to see how it all works.. Magick or magic is something we all have to deal with everyday, we protect ourselves with emotions but to some degree magic effects all our daily lives, our society, peoples thoughts and also how happy we are..


Some good examples around us are cults or religion, no matter what you believe in, the energy will strive to create it a reality. The more believe the more power it has and the more influence it has over you. Another example is love and how it effects us. Many religions will support this, love as a major or the most powerful magickal experiences in life. Another example is persuasion by others, some people do not realise it but they are being controlled by others, a controlling of peoples energies is common, whether it is for good or bad that is up to the controller, either way it is manipulating the energy (magick).

To let go of all or any negative influence's of magick in our lives we would need to relocate, be single and realise the embedding control it has had on us in the past. Magick is not bad though and there is no escaping it It is just the understanding of it is here, influencing everything, embedded in the atom itself and the creator of life However way we look at it, magick is what we call life..

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