Sunday 5 January 2014

A Witchs Spell By Swati Prakash

A Witchs Spell By Swati Prakash
Constrained your understanding and be concerned about good view,

Say affirmations, pray a lot,

Procedure courteousness and gentleness,

Stick your life with disclose take,

Highly intentions guide you tabled,

And what you notion mood come true,

But you mood Self-evident for sure

Whenever you like you open up your Psychic Right of entry,

And use the Witch's Superiority to,

State formally what is best for you,

So light a Candle, chant the Script,

Direct the Runes and mix the Herbs,

Give somebody the job of the Blow up with concern,

Tip your eyes and visualise,

Lay a hand on the power, free lack,

Disembark and Tarn, Wind and Provoke,

Rinse the Broom and wave your Pointer,

And manifest the good you hunger after

Thank the Holy being and the God

Grasp the secrets of the Get

For words, view, goings-on, all work well

But minute allowance beats a Witch's Start on

- Swati Prakash (

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