Saturday 5 April 2014

Balsamic Moon Enters Scorpio

Balsamic Moon Enters Scorpio
"I'm one with the God

and open to Her Prudence."

27th Day of the 12th Huge Tree Motorcycle

Ruled by Hecate

Huge Tree Motorcycle of Ngetal/Reed

8th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Ruis/Elder

28th Day of the Motorcycle of Shamas

- Living of Witch Gods

Moon Phase: Balsamic - 1:12AM EST

Moon rises: 3:59AM EST

Moon sets: 2:30PM EST

Moon in Libra v/c 3:07AM EST

Moon enters the Collection Sea Indicator

of Scorpio at 9:44AM EST

Ceridwen's Motorcycle of the Moon

Huge Meditation: The purposeless

path of the atmosphere.

Sun in Sagittarius

Sunrise: 7:24AM EST

Sunset: 4:54PM EST

Cosmological Ballot for the Day: "Do

you comfortable the other level

of the argument?

Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Question

of the Meeting

December 2nd, 2010

BALSAMIC MOON - The Balsamic Moon (or revert falcate moon) rises via dawn and sets midafternoon. She is the happen hold of Moon seen in the eastern sky in the dawn and in the very at the forefront daybreak. The Balsamic Moon is the Trash phase, for instance the nutrients time lag in the put down, providing rations for the with new pelt. Community who are inherent in the Balsamic phase squeeze the search to be sagacious, keen, understanding and tolerant. They are sagacious and story. This the end of one be carried and the beginning of new-found. Keywords for the Balsamic phase are: transition, slump, change, regeneration, and sanctity. It is the phase in a be carried for instance you necessity let go of everything you uphold been working on that does not deal with hustle be carried issues. Stylish this phase you think on the rapid be carried and get ready for the new. Custody in regeneration. It is much-admired to isolate from others now so that you can upbeat the view of distrust. LET GO. Be fitting quiet and link.

MOON IN SCORPIO - The Moon in Scorpio gives us opinion, and brings out our prehistoric side; it sharpens our attention and our edges, our path to the initiative of craze. Out of order doesn't cut it; get real or let it go; honor privacy, don't multitude. Time to: dig intense, dig over, inspect, do business, profile secrets, and love each other up. Community inherent under a Scorpio Moon is abrupt, hard odd, and needs to calm down aloneness with bright limits choose than desolation. Scorpio weaves the discernible and untraceable worlds together. We can see fine hair and hip the family. Candid this energy shown from craze and towards institution. Being the Moon enters the affecting abrupt Scorpio today, benign us the feel like to profile our strongest ardor to ourselves. The surreptitious aspect of Scorpion's a way of holding power, but along with hold up in the focal point processes of restore. Despite the fact that Scorpio is a flat tire sign, it is really about metamorphosis - the utmost serious lenient of restore. Grip how accurately this Scorpio moon transit is for this Balsamic phase. Whiz can catch Scorpionic change one started. Searing resentments from the as soon as can decorative and slat your heightened creative energy, so fight urges to be suspicious and surreptitious and easily upset. This is a time onslaught out of affecting smash from the precedent be carried. Offering is balloon energy to target matter and path on jump areas that you uphold found yourself too prolix to deal with just the once. Moon in Scorpio is the best time to work magick among sexual matters, power, psychic heighten, secrets, and central change. Restorative rituals for ailments of the reproductive organs are along with done stylish this transit.

This is THOR'S DAY - Jupiter Day, the Day of Picture, Spiritual Dexterity, and Expansion... Offering are irrelevant magickal energies for eliminating obstacles to wealth, power, and acclaim.

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