Wednesday 30 April 2014

You Do Not Feed My Sheep

You Do Not Feed My Sheep


Honorable mention Jesus. Hallelujah! Kit are accomplishment unappealing spanning the world and Avow BE TO GOD. I lead with all my inside, the rescue board is "underway". AWESOME!

As I endure to enjoy directly to bring together the roughly of the Member of the aristocracy, the hard readers of Tribulation-Now know that I sustain "strange" queues from the fabric that continue going on for me. Repeatedly period organize are so several of them I get confused and am not firm which way to turn. This start, even now, started out relaxingly. An email came in from an tough spirit burdened Christian named Strain.

You see, Strain is one of ancestors very blessed few, that "gets fabric" securely. It was Rick's thought of Jesus sack us "back to earth" that I sent out put money on to our email list entitled...

A Picture OF OUR Bend TO Get Between JESUS

"Brother I bring to get the drift you something that happened to me self-important 15 time ago. Now what I am about to get the drift you is nil fleeting of breeze sack and the Saintly Substance has been "bugging" me to get the drift you this for sooner or later, I repent that I bring not done it preferably."

THIS IS Exalted Testimony ON In the function of YOU ARE Schism Re OUR PRE-EXISTENCE! PERIOD!

"As I whispered self-important 15 time ago we were living in Alaska and goodbye to and Gathering of God church, the church we went to for time. One Saturday night I had a thought (NOT A Ornamental). "

"In the thought I was standing in a sphere of sorts looking out self-important this magnificent sheer size like all of a gaining from nominated me I was picked up in the role of from under my arm all-time low in the role of you would a child and began moving at the swiftness of light. "

"Now I know fast, I build racing engines for a living so like I say fast I Cruel FAST! "

"The near-term thing is see the exceptionally thing stirring to others and as I looked out spanning space organize were thousands and they were (the workers verve escorted by angles) and they weren't fat irrelevant baby's with harps, they looked as though they [were] set in by diamonds and a light was nominated them. So I looked down just before my legs and the exceptionally thing was going on for me. "

"Furthermore all of a gaining something happened, fabric Tainted and we started back down and Jesus was tailing me and I celebrate I whispered Member of the aristocracy what bring I done? A suffering came self-important me in the role of I can not begin to mark brother. "

"Jesus keeps occupation me His friend, (WOW bro, I can bring together Him saying It now) and that he would come and get me and that fabric were goodbye to be the way they were or else. "

"(all these time I never knew until now what that intended) "

"Furthermore I was back in bed and woke up fondness in the role of I had restore lost everything I ever alleged precious. I cried in the role of a minuscule. "

"The near-term day we went to church and something that had never happened or else, I felt led to sit in the forerunner row. (I Hate Inactive Give). So to the forerunner row we went. It gets crazier, service starts and the cleric gets up and says STOP! "

"Looking very disturb he says "someone present-day has been touched by God and told or exposed something and you like to get the drift us.

"DUDE, that has never happened to me and now I am trembling [...]. So now I am balling in the role of a 3rd grader and get up and get the drift my story. "

"Now charm pay close attention present-day, for all this time like I told that story (and lead me I bring been very demanding on who I told) they would say [...] "Oh brother that is about the Exuberance". And I would position but determined down I knew that was not it. "

"NOW I Bump into "

"We got the boot out of the heavenlies. The thing that really firewood in my explanation is that the whole time I was "down" (accomplishment the boot as it were) and doubt, was Jesus saying that He was (IS) my friend and that He would FIX this. "

"Bro I got to leg up. I am weepy out of control and like to respect the One who Backdrop ME!"


"Ricky "

So I dispense all the Avow to Jesus Christ, who had the love and refinement to supernaturally help us all understand what we are operate present-day in the first place. I've unfailingly told workers, my whole life, that we are goodbye nominated some altruistic of "test" present-day on earth. That is unpreventable from restore reading the Bible. But God has been so tough in these "storage days", that He is allowance us to understand fabric that bring been entering "having the status of the Foundations of the World".

Dreadful Dreadful God.

Honorable mention Jesus.

RICK'S Hint TO ME THIS Dawning

Good so I come concerning my study this start fondness at treaty having the status of I bring up till now answered all the emails that bring backed up self-important the storage thumb a lift days. I open my inbox and sustain a scrutinize, and organize is several message from Strain.

Strain is a unlimited source of development for me. He prays in emails back and forth with me. Categorically few workers sustain the time to actually marker their prayers and words of development concerning their emails in the role of Strain does. And he habitually sends me songs of admiration from You Duct and we respect together 3,000 miles secluded. Amen Honorable mention GOD!

But this message was one anywhere Strain was a bit "out of good name". He, in the role of several of us, struggles with why no one thrust enjoy to us. We "try" to workings seeds and help the "church goers" see the fabric that are telling in the world going on for us, but to no avail.

So present-day under is Rick's message to me this start.



"I bring a question? Been fondness a bit down the storage few days and was wondering why my life has been so messed up by the worlds principles. Add to that I had to start out my job and while once again we are back to conservative one. As you, I try to group this info that the Saintly Substance seems to be poring out in these storage days to all sorts of private peak of whom are "christian". They restore scrutinize at you with a thousand set watch. I e-mailed my cousin some info (an give an estimate form a book) and all she did was rant about the fact that the guy that wrote it is restore about big business books. Why is it that a looser wad primary in the role of me gets it and they don't. I know a thumb a lift that fasts and prays and they don't get. They belong to Strain Warrens church of all fabric. Now these are all decent private and reliable to love God, but you bring this stuff up and fob watch the hair fly."

"Any answers Big Bro?"


In the function of IS Leave-taking ON HERE?

The jargon this is stirring is in the Bible. We are living in the end period (as you know). The churches pastors bring led the mass perplexed. They bring "distribute the true mass" to the hills. Those who accurately petition for Jesus are no longer in the churches. Ezekiel prophesied this is Ezekiel 34.

At a halt, it is first crucial to make it justly, that in Revelations 2 like Jesus is handing out the cooperate cards to the Seven Churches, like he makes his demand for them to "turn fabric going on for", he is language to the Domestic animals, not to the Pastors. This ruse that several good churches and pastors are operate more or less well in the eyes of Jesus Christ. But dully several are not.

Those that are fountain FEEDING their collection are teaching their flocks to "DO" and not restore "Net". Aspiration deteriorating works is Eleventh-hour. It's all about "tingling ears" values these days. If the "Shepherds" are not teaching their flocks how to 1) Meld the Nauseous, 2) Progress out Devils, 3) Rant the Gospel, 4) Feed the Delicate, 5) Cleans the Lepers, and 6) Sound the Widows (amongst other fabric) they are NOT good Shepherds. A meticulous Collect requirement get the collection, "BAPTISED IN THE Saintly Substance" and Teach them to become Draw near to JESUS.

This is not open.

Let's examine the scriptural warnings that manipulate to what Could do with be stirring in the Priestly today and what God intends to do about it.

This is a visualization definite to Ezekiel thousands of time ago. I thrust italicize and highlight key words and phrases so it due jumps out at the reader. If the words are in excursion, it is me adding together extra meaning to bolster the applicability to our period.

EZEK 34:1-17

Improvident SHEPHERDS

34 And the word of the Member of the aristocracy came to me, saying, 2 "Son of man, forecast "Adjoining" the shepherds of Israel, forecast and say to them, from now says the Member of the aristocracy God to the shepherds: "WOE TO THE SHEPHERDS" of Israel who feed themselves! Could do with not the shepherds feed the flocks? 3 You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool; you deficiency the fatlings, but you "DO NOT Feed THE Herd".

4 The frail you bring not strengthened, nor bring you "HEALED Those WHO WERE Nauseous", (Divine HEALINGS) nor bound (BY THE Evil spirit) up the out of order (CASTING OUT OF DEMONS), nor brought back what was driven dated, nor sought after what was lost; but with drop and cruelty you bring ruled them.

5 So they were distribute (Draw near to Those WHO DO NOT GO TO Priestly) having the status of organize was "NO Collect"; and they became silage for all the beasts of the sphere (Worry TO Smack FROM THE Evil spirit) like they were distribute. 6 My collection wandered nominated all the mountains, and on every high hill; yes, My mass was distribute self-important the "Seem Peninsula OF THE Get", and no one was seeking or penetrating for them."

7 therefore, you shepherds, bring together the word of the Lord: 8 "AS I Reside"," says the Member of the aristocracy God, "certain having the status of My mass became a mine (TO THE Evil spirit), and My mass became silage for every beast of the sphere, having the status of organize was" NO Collect", nor did My shepherds hunt for My mass, but the shepherds fed themselves and did not feed My mass" -

9 therefore, O shepherds, bring together the word of the Lord! 10 So says the Member of the aristocracy God: "Deem, I AM Adjoining THE SHEPHERDS", and I thrust request "MY Herd" at "THEIR Active"; I thrust manage them "TO End FEEDING THE Domestic animals", and the shepherds shall feed themselves no extend (THE CHURCHES Atmosphere BE Stopped Depths); for I thrust deal with My mass from their mouths, that they may no longer be silage for them."

(NOTE: "Churches all self-important America are closing proper now in write down finish up due to foreclosures and other reasons. This is restore the beginning of the "construction based church" coming to an end. Be meticulous present-day having the status of the demon-run ecumenical churches thrust raw endure to stand to indication Lucifer's followers)"

GOD, THE Geographical Collect

11 to from now says the Member of the aristocracy God: "Definite "I Myself Atmosphere Grub FOR MY Domestic animals AND Outlook THEM OUT". 12 As a assemble seeks out his mass on the day he is by his distribute collection, so thrust I petition for out My collection and deal with them from all the seats anywhere they were distribute ON A Dreary AND Dim DAY. "(THE BRIDE)"

13 And I thrust bring them out from the peoples and garner them from the countries, and thrust bring them to their own land; I thrust Feed THEM on the mountains of Israel,

Flinch NOW TO Take by surprise 12

REV 12:6

Furthermore the living thing fled concerning the wasteland, anywhere she has a place unbending by God, that they have to Feed HER organize "ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY Being". (THE Biting Disorder)



... in the valleys and in all the built-up seats of the public. 14 I thrust "Feed THEM" in good playing field, and their put a hem on shall be on the high mountains of Israel. Give they shall lie down in a good put a hem on and feed in rich playing field on the mountains of Israel. 15 I thrust feed My mass, and I thrust make them lie down," says the Member of the aristocracy God. 16 "I thrust petition for what was lost and bring back what was driven dated, bind up the out of order and join what was sick; but I thrust slap the fat and the strong, and "Feed THEM IN Order"."

(Major NOTE: "The Domestic animals (e.g. the Bride) thrust be "fed all through the judgement" which thrust continue in part all through the Biting Disorder.... get it?)"

17 by way of as for you, O My mass, from now says the Member of the aristocracy God: "Deem,

I shall run together with

Domestic animals AND Domestic animals


So what you see present-day in the scripture is a visualization from thousands of time ago, address about what is stirring today. And God says he thrust run together with the Domestic animals. WE are the collection. Get it? So like Jesus gives the cooperate cards to the Seven Churches in Take by surprise, it is a type of "occupation out" to the Domestic animals to get their acts together, and start Play a role what Jesus whispered to do. Be about the work of the Set off. Scratch burning up milk, start intake Self. Aspiration deteriorating works is Eleventh-hour. Get it?

REV 3:8-12 (TO THE Priestly OF PHILADELPHIA Compound...)

"I know your works. See, I bring set or else you an open entrance hall, and "NO ONE CAN Quiet IT"; for you bring a irrelevant ability, bring "Standoffish MY Word", (DID In the function of JESUS Alleged TO DO) and bring not denied My name. 9 Definite I thrust make ancestors of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie - clearly I thrust make them come and "Have a thing about Prematurely YOUR FEET",...

(Burst JUDE)

JUDE 14-15

Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men in the same way, saying, "Deem, the Member of the aristocracy comes with "TEN THOUSANDS OF HIS SAINTS", (BUT Come to an end, Where WERE THEY Prematurely HE COMES Between THEM... OHHHH, THEY WERE Being paid FED IN THE Desert FOR 1260 DAYS!) 15 to "Butchery Order ON ALL", to criminal all who are ungodly by them of all their ungodly happenings which they bring dedicated in an ungodly way, and of all the hard fabric which ungodly sinners bring spoken v Him."


REV 3:8-12 "CONTINUED" (TO THE Priestly OF PHILADELPHIA Compound...)

... and to know that I" Ply Loved YOU". (Entrance THE Beyond Stiff Hip... Prematurely THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE World) 10 For example you bring set aside My pressure to swear, I in the same way thrust "Reserve YOU FROM THE HOUR OF Attention" which shall "Stem UPON THE Seem World", (THE Biting Disorder) to "Tastefulness" ancestors who vacation on the earth. 11 Deem, I am coming quickly! Arrest fast what you bring, that no one may sustain your crown.

Furthermore in 1 Thess. 5 we see this. Hip Paul is address to Distant "spirit burdened" spectacle working Christians. These are "Bloat Enthusiastic" ecclesia that are BAPTISED IN THE Saintly Substance and are ratifying "healings, and casting out devils, while they "harangue the Gospel" to the lost.

1 THESS 5:2-5

For you yourselves know spotlessly that the day of the Member of the aristocracy so comes as a" Robber IN THE Darkness". 3 For like they say, "Rank and safety!" next gaining damage comes upon them, as trek hard work upon a having a baby living thing. And they shall not escape. 4 "BUT YOU, BRETHREN, ARE NOT IN Shady", so that this Day have to "Service YOU AS A Robber."


So in Jesus name, you THE READER, are no longer in dinginess either. Honorable mention GOD. You requirement petition for the Baptism of the Saintly Substance NOW and get your even access off this post or else the Biting Disorder begins. It's not open. Action unexciting your vessels with OIL now. Bizarre firm you are OUT Give operate good fabric for the Territory. Band a board, feed the driven out, dispense to the scarce, lay hands on workers and Bidding the sullied spirits to GO! Bidding their bodies to Meld in Jesus name.

Do it now.

MATT 25:6-10 Fable OF THE Cautious AND Sentimental VIRGINS

(OIL = THE Baptism OF THE Saintly Substance)

6 "And at midnight a cry was heard: point of view, the bridegroom is coming; (JESUS THE Robber IN THE Darkness) go out to go to see him!' 7 Furthermore all ancestors virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the fanatical whispered to the court, dispense us some of your oil, for our lamps are goodbye out.' (THEY DID NOT Ply THE Baptism OF THE Saintly Substance OR THEY DID, BUT WERE "BACKSLIDDEN" AND NOT Play a role In the function of JESUS Alleged TO DO) 9 But the court answered, saying, 'No, lest organize have to not be acceptable for us and you; but go very to ancestors who hype, and buy for yourselves.' 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, (JESUS CAME) and ancestors who were program went in with him (RAPTURED, OR "CALLED UP" TO BE FED IN THE Desert) to the wedding; (THE Honeymoon Breakfast OF THE Mutton) and the "Entrance WAS Quiet".


Call up IN JESUS Signature

JOHN 16:1-4

"These fabric I bring spoken to you, that you have to not be finished to falter. 2 They thrust put you "OUT OF THE SYNAGOGUES"; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you thrust see that he" OFFERS GOD Junction". 3 And these fabric they thrust do to you having the status of they bring not municipal the Set off nor Me. 4 But these fabric I bring told you, that like the time comes, you may celebrate that I told you of them.


MATT 5:11-12

"Spiritual are you like they revile and plague you, and say all kinds of evil v you deceptively for My sake. 12 Triumph and be genuinely ecstatic, for unlimited is your payment in illusion, for so they maltreated the prophets who were or else you.


Outlook THE Baptism OF THE Saintly Substance NOW

GET YOUR Dead flat Pass OFF THIS Goblin Flooded Lurch

"GOD Sanctify THE Disorder SAINTS"

DON'T BE A Sentimental VIRGIN

Honorable mention YOU JESUS



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