Sunday 23 October 2011

Patch 1 0 3 Tooltip Updates And Ias Nerf

Patch 1 0 3 Tooltip Updates And Ias Nerf
Rainstorm Blue TRACKER: (June 18, 2012)


In plot 1.0.3, we're updating the tooltip images for dissimilar skills and realization runes. These updates are life form prepared for one of two reasons:

* To make convinced that the tooltip description matches how the realization functions in-game
* To act inexperienced face about how a realization works, or to entitle how a realization works bonus stalwartly

To catch a glimpse of that group aren't surprised by these changes, we've sad each of the tooltip updates in 1.0.3 in. Make you laugh point that the functionality for the associated skills and skills rune include NOTbeen not the same.


* Nightclub Propel

* Tooltip now displays the anticipated status for how ache a control heart be slowed: "Fling a throwing weapon at any opponent for 100% weapon destruction and Sluggish the dispute of the opponent by 60% for 1.5 seconds." (The functionality of the realization has not not the same.)

Goblin Forager

* Come together Scurry - Cheerful Scurry

* Tooltip now displays the anticipated type of weapon destruction dealt by Cheerful Arrow: "Enemies hit by bullets include a 55% depart to be astonished for 2 seconds and changes the destruction to Substantial." (The functionality of the realization has not not the same.)

* Bombs - Flabbergast Bombs

* Tooltip now displays the anticipated status for how ache a control heart be stunned: "Fling bullets that include a 25% depart to Flabbergast enemies for 1.5 seconds." (The functionality of the realization has not not the same.)


* Seven-Sided Fastening - Prolonged Fastening

* Tooltip has been restructured for clarity: "Reduces the cooldown of Seven-Sided Fastening to 23 seconds." (The functionality of the realization has not not the same.)


* Bleep Apparatus Dogs - Leeching Beasts

* Tooltip has been restructured for clarity: "Your Apparatus Dogs heal 50% of the destruction they discernment as Establishment divided just as amid themselves and you." (The functionality of the realization has not not the same.)


* Paralysis

* Tooltip now displays the anticipated status for how ache a control heart be stunned: "Lightning destruction dealt to enemies has up to a 8% depart to Flabbergast the control for 1.5 seconds." (The functionality of the realization has not not the same.)


As a make a note of, we heart be nerfing "Increases Thump Smudge" (IAS) stuff on all items rod quivers with the 1.0.3 plot. Make you laugh point that this substitute DOES imply unheard of items as well, as item affixes and ranges are brave at the time of an item life form dropped, and not because famous.

Feature with IAS on their items heart see a reduction in their unusual coat destruction, as unusual coat destruction takes voguish record focus quickness (among other factors).

This substitute poverty not be confused with the Eminent buffs coming in a designate plot (not 1.0.3), and group buffs, as past mentioned, heart NOT be retroactive.

You can read bonus about these and other advent changes in the 1.0.3 Foundation Clip.


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