What can negative energy do? Negative energy can bring your mood down significantly. It is as if a black cloud is following you throughout the day. Having built up negative energy can effect moods which in turn makes you a more negative person effecting relationships in a bad way. Negative energy can also bring bad luck. Many people experience bad luck with car problems, health, job problems and relationship problems.
How can someone put negative energy on me and my family? They can do it through witchcraft, voodoo, black magic and many other methods. People that have a lot of negative energy around them can also unknowingly pass it on to others without meaning to. Being around people that are down on their luck or have some form of voodoo or curse on them can directly effect you. It is important as preventative maintenance to have a circle of protection spell on you at all times to ensure nothing flows onto you.
Why do people use voodoo and curses to effect others? The bottom line is that some people are selfish and want to see others fail. They often use witchcraft, voodoo and curses to bring others down. Revenge is not always the answer. Living well is the best revenge that you can give someone else. Not allowing others to effect you negatively is also another way to get revenge without sinking down to their level. Finding peace of mind when there is conflict if often challenging. Knowing yourself and getting in touch with your innermost wants and fears will help you get through the challenging times.
Inner peace and peace of mind are simular. If you find one you will be able to find the other. Always being proactive when it comes to protecting yourself and loved ones will allow you to have more peace within yourself.
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