Saturday 9 November 2013

Classic Fantasy 2 Maps With Notes

Classic Fantasy 2 Maps With Notes
I've been playing B/X with my boys (ages 10 and 8) for about an hour each night for the ransack three nights. They pleasing to do whatever thing that was caring of nearby LoTR, which is definitely not my hard thing. However, I figured I'd reexamine my own prejudice's and at hand it a circle.

My transcendent fountainhead material:

The Hobbit- JRRT

The Rascally Ship- James Blaylock

Lyonesse/ The Chilly Pearl- Jack Vance

Bloodstar- Richard Corben


Europe Connecting the Oceans- Barry Cunliff (Adequately advanced archaeology script book on olden Europe, fine for enthusiastic tombs, together with other pertinent).

Dwarf Blazing -Huge Defunct Scott

The basic set up, conceived of in about an hour, less the time it took to attraction the map- Grim Mantel Mount (DMT) is at the moment ruled by the Witch Ruler (TWK henceforward) who has hang out the four gnoll tribes of the Deathly Mountains. Mangor, the white ape, an lower to TWK has, along with a band of goblins, stolen the Yellow Peacock from Glistendome, lumber fortress of the elves. The Peacock has the faculty to conclusion one examine idealistically every blind date at midnight on Halloween. Following the burglary, 9 out of 10 elves within The Countless Copse squash into an magical slumber. If the peacock is not improve by Halloween the elves general feeling never disturbed. As ransom for the Peacock, TWK heaviness that Ruler Blogandorf IV, monarch of the elves, persist loyalty to him. this would impressively be the end of the elves and they know it.

No one knows anywhere Mangor has unavailable the peacock. The actor text, Spike the rustler and Drake the warrior, gobble been asked to find him and set aside it. Uppermost, they travel to the residue of Moon Bar to exact with the spy Mortimer (an elf who uses magic to guard himself as a gnoll) who has some leads.

The Setting: Sensool, Grassland of the Earlier period Empire:

Moreover repugnant Hex is about a day's acquire from rank to rank.

As in a straight line as they set out from Glistendome upon the back of their elephant, Tusky, the text are attacked by a subtle band of goblins led by a gnoll. The conflict is deficient and savage. The gnoll is killed and the goblins break in foreboding.

Upon arriving at Moon Bar, the adventurers find that their contact is not in video. Drake (who has an 18 STR!) kills a great spider seeing as they contain, but even as soon as a full night, Mortimer never arrives. As the PCs are arguing about what to do bordering, they are approached by a satyr who identifies himself as Mister Thistle.

Mister Thistle informs Spike and Drake that a creature common as the Troll-witch has unavailable their friend into the catacombs beneath the residue. He believes that she campaign to eat him. Thistle offers to brook them the open if they general feeling be so caring as to right of entry for him a vial of green fluid that resides someplace in the catacombs. They settle on and Mister Thistle hooks them up...

Certified brand sheets (stolen from nearby)

And Thorn's Log

All this brings me to my campaign for this site. From nearby on in I'm thoroughly leave-taking to post because I gobble whatever thing sound to have a joint household. My breath conspire is to post taking into consideration a month. Undoubtedly, I general feeling use this format to across-the-board some of the copious partial projects that are migratory about nearby, but above all I'm leave-taking to post stuff from my in spill games. I general feeling make my bordering post on or about May 1st. I'm not stable what I'm leave-taking to put up, but it general feeling be whatever thing with a bit of crux or I wont post at all.

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