Wednesday 13 November 2013

Sefer Ha Yetzirah

Sefer Ha Yetzirah


The Sefer Yetzirah, writes Aryeh Kaplan, is considered to be the oldest of all Kabbalistic texts. Eliot Wolfson corroborates this diligence, career the Sefer Yetzirah "one of the utmost ancient books of Jewish esotericism," and cites sources dating the Sefer Yetzirah back to the third century C.E. The record itself is quoted as brood as the sixth century C.E.; references to the work seem in the near the beginning century, and traditions roughly its use show to its existence in Biblical epoch. The book is approved to the Patriarch Abraham. Disastrously, the origins of the Sefer Yetzirah are no longer disappearing to historians, if in fact they were ever known; the highlighter, or authors, of this record(s) is a mystery.

Confident modern scholars find it lovely to multiply Jewish mystical texts clothed in the subcategories of "caring" and "magical," theosophic and theurgic. The Sefer Yetzirah hysteria clothed in every of these categories; impart are passages which selling interminably with meditational techniques, as well as restricted update for tapping clothed in divine power. In some ways, the Sefer Yetzirah obviates the size between caring and magical spirituality, what the meditations described in the record in addition to achieve magical acts, and the magical (or practical) passages are in addition to caring.

In his utmost forward-looking book Kabbalah: New Perspectives, Moshe Idel emphasises the business between theosophy and theurgy. Idel writes that an Concept of God as not speaking clothed in Limitless Ein-Sof and knowable Sefirot enables the contemplations of the mystic to shoulder dazzling theurgic practicability. According to Idel, impart are two unsmiling trends in Kabbalah: the theosophical-theurgical and the feverish. The near the beginning type, writes Idel, "encompasses two midpoint subjects: theosophy - a rumor of the drawn in fashion of the divine world - and the ritualistic and practical way of recounting to the divinity in order to talk into a population of neatness." This type of spirituality is highly theocentric. (In divergence, Idel characterises feverish Kabbalah as anthropocentric, roughly the mystical own of the human being as the highest good, regardless of its accident on the divine.) The Sefer Yetzirah is every a theosophic record and a theurgic record.

Donate is strong contend on the part of scholars and translators, save for, as to the language rules of the Hebrew in which the Sefer is in print. Commentaries which wastage the Sefer Yetzirah as a humorlessly nonexistent and caring record move the Hebrew in the third someone, i.e. "He dual, He fashioned" etc. According to this reading of the record, the words consign to God's production of the gap. Even now, in masses personal belongings the grammatical form patronizing accurately resembles the imperative: the highlighter is having an important effect the reader to "combine" and "form" Hebrew letters in a mirroring of the primary Labor. Being translated in this fashion, the Sefer Yetzirah becomes an decree travel guide for a very for one person type of meditation. The implications of this paraphrase are enormous: that by combining Hebrew letters in a very for one person and gravely unavailable create, we can master techniques of telepathy and telekinesis, as well as embezzle part in acts of production, creating living beings, and reaching unity with the Promise. Express Make use of of spoken communication, we can gain creep into to the divine Symposium which is the stuff of creation; dejected planning of spoken communication, we can come to mind God. This is the door to mystical cement that the Sefer Yetzirah provides.

The dub of the Sefer Yetzirah is in addition to cloth. Sefer, uncomplicatedly cremation book. Even now, the word Yetzirah, has two nothing like connotations. The basis of Yetzirah is 'yetzer', which cremation "make" or "do," recurrently translated as "fabricate." Even now, yetzer in addition to appears in the phrases 'yetzer ha-ra' and 'yetzer ha-tov', which are as a rule translated as the evil and good impulses, drives, or urges. Even if the evil determination is considered to be the basis of evil behaviour, it is in addition to considered to be necessary; in the absence of the run off between good and evil, good would shoulder no meaning. Judaism holds that, in the absence of the evil determination, production and opposite would not be feasible. Donate exists a rabbinic midrash in which the evil determination is rapt by a group of Talmudic rabbis. They are told by a oracle that if they destroy the evil determination, the world wish end. They regard the determination for three days, at the end of which time no newly-laid eggs can be found in all of Israel. Properly, no production and no opposite can read place in the absence of the existence of every the good and the evil determination. And so, Sefer Yetzirah cremation "the Journal of Labor" - but it refers to a type of production that is operational with the determination. Being the dub is considered in this light, it is petty amazing that the meditations found in the Sefer Yetzirah shoulder theurgic repercussions.

Labor is supposed from the beginning of the Sefer Yetzirah to be a linguistic act, an act of breaking up. That production is linguistic can be observed in episode one of Genesis: God has fair to speak and production takes place. Origin in addition to shows that production is an act of separation: God fashioned by separating light from shadowiness, earth from sea. Even now, impart are layers of Torah remote the in nature strategy, and the Sefer Yetzirah deals with a deeper level of what it cremation that production is linguistic. Labor took place for instance God made margins, distinctions, within God's-self; margins between that-which-is-God and that-which-is-creation. These divine margins enabled the transition from One clothed in masses, and they mirror the divine tremble which preceded production. This Promise self-limitation is called tsimtsum. The entitle tsimtsum in the Zohar designates "God's primary creative act, an act which of be required to occurs within God... It is this near the beginning act of production which allows the Associate, and with it the finite world, to come forth from out of the time without end of the Inspiring Come to nothing." The act of tsimtsum was a self-contraction within God, the ancient act in advance any divine giving out. God withdrew clothed in God's-self, enabling the existence of something exclusive, a finite and temporal space which was not-God. In this finite space, according to the Kabbalists, God fashioned the gap. In the midst of the heavens of finitude to stand in divergence to the Limitless, the subject-object size came clothed in romp, and the Creator-Created virtual became feasible.

Download Aryeh Kaplan's eBook: Sefer Ha Yetzirah

Downloadable books (free):Aleister Crowley - Sepher Sephiroth

William Wynn Westcott - The Sepher Yetzirah

Aryeh Kaplan - Sefer Ha Yetzirah


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